Borse di studio

Premio Aitla



Exploring Language Education (ELE): Global and Local Perspectives.
Stockholm University, June 2018

This conference employs a broad definition of language education, aiming to bring together scholars working in different areas of the field. It will be held in Stockholm during June 18-20, 2018, and it is our intention to make this a recurring event in the future, either in Stockholm or in other parts of the world.

The conference is intended to reflect a variety of perspectives on language education (in terms of first, second, or additional languages) with learners of all ages. We welcome proposals for individual papers, colloquia and posters. Themes may include:

  • multilingualism and multilingual education,
  • foreign language learning, teaching, and assessment,
  • gender perspectives on language education,
  • the role of literature in language education,
  • literacy and multimodality,
  • second language acquisition (SLA) studies and their relevance for language teaching, and
  • minoritized languages – maintenance and development in educational contexts.


Plenary speakers

Mike Baynham (UK), Lise Iversen Kulbrandstad (Norway), John Levis (USA), Nina Spada (Canada), Elise Seip Tønnessen (Norway).


Abstract submission: Oct 1 - Nov 1, 2017

Notification of acceptance: mid Feb, 2018.

The conferecen website: