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Revista de Estudos da Linguagem invites submissions for a thematic issue (v.28, n.2 (2020)) on "Metaphor and Multimodality". Only original papers written in English will be considered.

The submission deadline is: December 20th, 2019.

Guest Editors: Alan Cienki (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Maíra Avelar (Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia).

Original papers in English can be submitted online through the link below, which also provides author guidelines:

The year 2020 will mark the 40th anniversary since the publication of the book “Metaphors We Live By”. Particularly in the last ten years, there has been increasing attention to how metaphors can be expressed in different modalities of production and perception (e.g., through means that are audibleor visible) and via different semiotic systems (language, images, gestures, etc.). The term “multimodal metaphor” is now commonly used to encompass a wide variety of phenomena, but questions still remain as to how metaphoric expression takes place in various forms through simultaneous combinations and sequential patterns. This special issue of the journal RELIN will include original theoretical and empirical studies devoted to this subject. We invite researchers in Metaphor Studies, Multimodal Communication, and the study of particular modalities and semiotic systems to submit papers addressing the following topics:

  • Metaphor and gesture in face-to-faceor mediatedcommunication;
  • Metaphor and social media;
  • Metaphor in advertisementand commercials;
  • Metaphor in film and television;
  • Metaphor and games;
  • Pictorial metaphor in newspapers and magazines.

Revista de Estudos da Linguagem