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Revista de Estudos da Linguagem invites submissions for a thematic issue (v.28, n.4 (2020)) on "Verbal violence in contemporary political and media discourses: from dichotomization to insult".

The submission deadline is: March 20h, 2020.

Texts may be written in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish.

Guest Editor: Isabel Roboredo Seara (Universidade Aberta & CLUNL – NOVA, Lisboa).

Original papers can be submitted online through the link below, which also provides author guidelines:

Verbal violence is a vast field of study that has instigated the attention of several areas of knowledge, from Psychology to Anthropology, from the Sciences of Language to the Law, and has recently witnessed a progressive development of interdisciplinarity in view of the growing violence in digital communication.

Strategies associated with aggressiveness and verbal violence are innumerable and might be studied from different and complementary perspectives: from the lexical-semantic standpoint that privileges the study of markers of indifference, rupture, insult, and pejorative qualifiers; from the obscene language to the discursive-pragmatic and interactional viewpoint, which discloses threatening face actions and expressions; the rituals of humiliation, the devastating irony, the rhetoric of intolerance, the strategies aimed at depreciating, stigmatizing or demeaning the Other.

We suggest the following clues for reflection:

  • Which are the factors that foster verbal violence?
  • Opposition, indignation, exasperation, accusation, polarization: how are they conveyed discursively?
  • What are the dominant argumentative strategies in the construction of controversial and confrontational discourses?
  • What are the social and political conditions that encourage verbal violence?
  • What is the strength of the ideologies that support radical and dichotomous positions?
  • How are these phenomena enhanced on social networks, forums, blogs and other online interactions?


Revista de Estudos da Linguagem