Borse di studio

Premio Aitla





Il congresso dell’AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée/ International Association of Applied Linguistics) sul tema “The dynamics of language, communication and culture in a changing world”, originariamente previsto a Groningen (Paesi Bassi), si svolgerà interamente online a causa del perdurare della pandemia. Scrivono gli organizzatori:
“We have waited as long as we could before deciding, but the pandemic situation in the Netherlands is rather hopeless and we have decided that it is not feasible to organize a face-to-face congress in August. Therefore, AILA2021 will be a fully virtual meeting. 
Fortunately, the symposia set up will allow for lots of interaction and our team is working hard to make the online event as interactive as possible! In addition to the scientific symposia and plenaries, we will organize an online social programme to encourage networking and have some fun.”

Tutte le informazioni sono reperibili sul sito: