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Formes d'injonction dans l'espace public urbain
Date: 17-Jun-2021 - 18-Jun-2021

Location: A distance et en présentiel à la Maison de la Recherche et Paris 3 (Censier), France
Contact: Claire Aubanelle

Meeting Description:

Colloque organisé en mode hybride à la Sorbonne Nouvelle dans le cadre des travaux du Réseau international de recherche ''Le genre bref dans l'espace public''.
Co-organisé par les EA 7345 CLESTHIA et EA 4223 CEREG,

Les panneaux, affiches, affichettes, publicités et autres manifestations de l’écrit de petit format qui jalonnent l’espace public, délivrent des messages de différentes natures. Adressés aux passants, aux automobilistes et cyclistes, aux jeunes aussi bien qu’aux vieux, aux gens pressés et aux oisifs, ils les informent, les orientent, les avertissent de dangers, les invitent à se comporter ou à s’abstenir d’agir de telle ou telle manière. 
Un grand nombre de ces messages est orienté tantôt vers un agir immédiat comme dans le cas du code de la route, tantôt vers un agir différé comme dans le cas de la publicité. On peut subsumer la finalité de ces messages sous l’idée de l’injonction au sens large voire onomasiologique, qui comprend aussi bien l’incitation, la suggestion, l’ordre, l’interdiction, ou encore l’avertissement.

La manifestation prend place dans une série de colloques et séminaires du Réseau international de recherche ‘Le Genre Bref dans l’Espace public’, ayant pour objet les manifestations de genre bref dans l’espace public et dont sont sorties trois publications centrées sur des approches grammaticales, énonciatives et génériques.

En thématisant les formes d’injonction, le colloque constitue alors une ouverture vers des approches pragmatiques.

Pour participer, inscrivez-vous gratuitement en écrivant à :

Program Information:



Intervention & Prevention of Neurodegenerative Disease: Building Resilience
Date: 23-Jun-2021 - 25-Jun-2021

Location: Online, Hong Kong
Meeting URL:
The Laboratory for Communication Science, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong will be hosting an International Advanced Study Workshop virtually from 23 - 25 June 2021, with a special opening session June 15. The goal of the conference is to analyze gaps in health needs and response capacity for sustainable, quality care of seniors in the Greater Bay Area of China and will focus on action plans to promote healthy ageing from epidemiological, psychological, social care and public health perspectives.

It is organised by Professor Brendan Weekes and Dr. Maria Teresa Carthery-Goulart at the University of Hong Kong and will be held ONLINE on the Zoom platform.

The June 15 opening session will be held from 17:00-19:00 HKT and will feature a talk from Professor Carol Brayne, University of Cambridge, titled “Current research directions and population need, contexts, and futures for our ageing populations”
Program Information:

The full programme is now available to view on the conference website ( Registration is free and still open via



Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar 2021
Short Title: LxGr2021
Date: 03-Jul-2021 - 03-Jul-2021

Location: Online, United Kingdom
Contact: Costas Gabrielatos
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Linguistic Theories; Semantics; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics

Meeting Description:

The focus of LxGr is the interaction of lexis and grammar. The focus is informed by Halliday’s view of lexis and grammar as “complementary perspectives” (1991: 32), and his conception of the two as notional ends of a continuum (lexicogrammar), in that “if you interrogate the system grammatically you will get grammar-like answers and if you interrogate it lexically you get lexis-like answers” (1992: 64).

Participation is free. You can register here:



PhrasaLex II - Phraseological Approaches to Learner's Lexicography
Date: 22-Jul-2021 - 23-Jul-2021

Location: Hildesheim (Online), Germany
Contact: Laura Giacomini
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics; Lexicography

Meeting Description:

PHRASALEX II - Phraseological Approaches to Learner’s Lexicography

The PHRASALEX II Workshop on Phraseological Approaches to Learner’s Lexicography will take place online on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 July 2021 and is hosted by the Institute for Information Science and Natural Language Processing at Hildesheim University.

Topics of interest:
- the interdependence of lexis and grammar,
- the phraseological nature of language,
- and the implications of these perspectives for the design of (learner’s) dictionaries.

The workshop is embedded in an ongoing multilingual research project in Learner’s Lexicography and is intended as a platform for disseminating project results, for enhancing discussion on lexicographic theory and practice, and for promoting networking and knowledge sharing among participants.

Program Information:

The workshop programme and full description are now available at

PHRASALEX II is organised in four sessions and brings together international experts in the fields of lexicography, lexicology, cognitive linguistics, lexicogrammar, corpus linguistics, and NLP.



Nitobe Symposium: 'Language, conflict, and security'

Date: 26-Jul-2021 - 27-Jul-2021

Location: Belfast (Virtual), United Kingdom
Contact: Michele Gazzola
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics

Meeting Description:

A two-day webinar bringing together a diverse range of experts and stakeholders to discuss contemporary developments in language policy in international and global contexts, exploring the theme of “Language, conflict, and security”.

Program Information:

The programme boasts an outstanding list of contributors who will explore the following aspects of the main theme over the two days:

- Language policy in Northern Ireland and implications for power-sharing in contested societies (Monday)
- Language in humanitarian crises and pro-active peace-building in the global context (Monday)
- Language in the context of security and conflict resolution in Europe (Tuesday)
- Promoting Linguistic Justice (Tuesday)

The event will be dual-language English-Esperanto with simultaneous interpretation

The event is co-organised by the School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences, Ulster University, and the Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (CED)



Fourteenth International Conference of “Functional Pragmatics”
23-Sep-2021 - 25-Sep-2021

Chemnitz (Online), Germany

Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics

The Chair of German as a Foreign / Second Language (TU Chemnitz, Germany) is proud to announce the Fourteenth International Conference of “Functional Pragmatics”. The theory of “Functional Pragmatics” understands language as a societally elaborated complex form-function-nexus as a basis for the reconstruction of the functionality of linguistic devices as well as the deep structures of linguistic interaction. Such reconstruction requires to differentiate, at an analytical level, between three instances of reality, namely linguistic reality (p), the mental realities of speaker and hearer (
ΠS and ΠH), and extralinguistic reality (P).
The conference focuses the role of this triad on the basis of authentic empirical evidence from, among other things, plurilingual interaction, knowledge transfer in institutions as well as translating and interpreting.

Program Information:


The Fourteenth International Conference of the “Functional Pragmatics” will take place on 23 September 2021 - 25 September 2021, and will be held ONLINE. Registration is free. Conference language is German, contributions in English are also acceptable.

Program Information and registration: