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Il South-East European Research Centre organizza un congresso dal titolo "Responses to the lingua franca role of English", che si terrà a Tessalonica (Grecia) dal 23 al 24 novembre 2013. Il congresso è incentrato sul tema dell'inglese in Europa e del suo ruolo come lingua franca, concentrandosi in particolare sull'area sudorientale dell'Europa e la regione balcanica. Riportiamo di seguito la presentazione del congresso e il Call for papers. E' possibile inviare proposte di contributi fino al 1° giugno 2013. -

Responses to the lingua franca role of English

23 November - 24 November 2013 Thessaloniki, Greece Organised by the South-East European Research Centre The aim of the fourth conference in the ‘English in Europe’ series is to gain a comparative understanding of the debates surrounding the role of English as a lingua franca throughout Europe but with a particular focus on South East Europe and the Balkan region. This call for papers invites participants who are located both within the Balkan region and in other countries who are involved in research on ELF in the context of Europe for a series of sessions. Topics will include, but not be limited to:
  • Language attitudes
  • Language identity
  • English in the Media
  • Discourses of English as a lingua franca
  • ELF in education
  • Language contact, language variation and language loss
  • English language hegemony and language diversity
We are extremely proud to confirm that the following keynote speakers will be speaking at the conference:

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts related to any of the topics listed above or to the overall theme of the conference should be sent to the conference email address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by the 1 June, 2013. Abstracts should be anonymous, include the title of the paper and up to 500 words maximum in length. You may include an indicative references list of the key sources consulted. Please include your name (including academic title if relevant), affiliation and contact details in the body of the email. If you have any questions relating to the submission of your abstract, please email the conference organizer at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

Important dates

Deadline for submission: 01/06/2013 Notification of Acceptance/ Registration opens: 15/06/2013 Deadline for registration: 15/07/2013 Conference: 23-24 November 2013