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We are pleased to announce that METADISCOURSE ACROSS GENRES CONFERENCE (MAG 2017) will be held at METU Northern Cyprus Campus, Cyprus between 30 March-1 April 2017 with the participation of Prof. Ken Hyland, Prof. Anna Mauranen, Prof. Anneline Adel as plenary speakers.

Abstracts should not exceed 350 words (excluding the title & references). The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2016.

All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee and evaluated in terms of rigour, clarity and significance of the contribution, as well as its relevance to conference theme. We invite researchers to contribute their valuable research on the topics below.

The conference will mainly focus on:

- Proposals on Metadiscourse (MD) and related concepts taxonomies
- Nature and Forms of MD and Related concepts in different genres
- Different types of MD resources
- Definition and issues of MD and Related concepts in different contexts
- Interactive and Interactional perspectives on Metadiscourse
- Textual and Interpersonal perspectives on Metadiscourse
- Reflexivity of high/low explicitness
- Metatext and reflective MD
- MD and Genre
- MD and Culture
- MD and Community/Discipline
- Rhetoric and Metadiscourse
- Linguistic units signaling authorial stance and intention
- Corpus-based/driven approaches to Metadiscourse and related concepts
- Metadiscourse and related concepts from Discourse Analysis Perspective
- Writer-Reader Oriented MD, Speaker-Listener Oriented MD and Participant Oriented MD
- Contrastive (genre, discourse communities) perspective towards Metadiscourse
- Implications of teaching and researching MD and related concepts in academic contexts
- Methodological considerations and issues in Metadiscourse studies (size of linguistic units, ways to explore units, etc.)
- Metadiscourse and related concepts include, but not limited, to the following:
Transitions, Frame Markers, Endophoric Markers, Evidentials, Code Glosses, Hedges, Boosters, Attitude Markers, Engagement Markers, Self-Mentions, Evaluative Markers, Certainty Markers, Reporting verbs, Citation Practices, Personal References in written and spoken communication, Disclaimers and Collapsers.

- Strategies of building and presenting knowledge in written and spoken discourses.

Nevertheless, the submission of other topics reporting research related to theme of the conference will be considered as well.

There are two publication plans by selecting the best papers presented at MAG 2017: an edited book by Peter Lang and another edited volume by
Palgrave Macmillan.

Abstracts should only be submitted to 

Please visit conference site for more info: 

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