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Second Call for Papers and Workshops

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe

2019 Mon 17-Tue 18-Wed 19 June 2019 (Lecce)


Conference web site:

The Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) conference series, originally established in the Iberian Peninsula (as PaPI, Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia), brings together researchers interested in all areas of phonetics and phonology, with a specific emphasis on the perspectives and methodologies adopted in Laboratory Phonology.
As in the previous editions, PaPE 2019 is intended to be an interdisciplinary forum for research on the sound properties of language approached from multiple perspectives, with the general aim to promote discussion on the relation between phonetics and phonology, as well as the cross-fertilization of phonetics and phonology with other fields, such as psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, neurosciences and speech technology.
In this vein, PaPE 2019 continues the tradition of the series in welcoming submissions on any aspect of phonetics and phonology especially from an interdisciplinary perspective. This year we particularly encourage papers dealing with all dimensions of language variation. Contributions are therefore welcome on language variation in all possible domains, such as, for example, sociophonetics, language learning and development, speech pathology, speech accommodation and multimodal communication.

Confirmed keynote speakers

  • Janet Pierrehumbert - University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
  • Wolfram Ziegler - Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (Germany)
  • Sara Bögels - Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (The Netherlands)

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: 12 November 2018, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59
  • Notification of acceptance: 20 February 2019 Submission of revised abstracts: 9 March 2019, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59
  • PaPE 2019 Conference: 17-19 June 2019 (Lecce)
  • Satellite Workshops/Tutorials: 20 June 2019 (Bari)

Please note that depending on the number of proposals, Wed 19 June in Lecce could be half a day conference and half a day workshop.

Submission Information

Abstracts can be submitted from October the 5th until the final deadline of November the 12th, 2018, using the following EasyChair link. Abstracts may be submitted either for a ‘talk/poster’, or as a ‘poster only’. Authors may submit one abstract as first author and up to three abstracts as a co-author. Please indicate upon submission if the first author has student status.


Call for Satellite Workshop proposals

University of Bari: 20 June 2019 (Please note that depending on the number of proposals, Wed 19 June in Lecce could be half a day conference and half a day workshop).
The PaPE 2019 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. Workshops may be proposed on any topic related to phonetics and phonology.
The workshop proposal should be sent to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by October 8 and should not exceed two A4 pages. They must include information on the topic, the organizers (including affiliation and e-mail address) and the paper selection process.

PaPE Organization

  • Barbara Gili Fivela (Università del Salento & CRIL, Lecce)
  • Cinzia Avesani (ISTC, Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche, Padova)
  • Michelina Savino (Università di Bari, Dpt. Sc. della Formazione,Bari)


For enquiries please contact us at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Abstract submission deadline: 12 November 2018, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59
Notification of acceptance: 20 February 2019
Submission of revised abstracts: 9 March 2019, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59