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L'AILA Review viene da quest'anno pubblicata on-line. Per accedere, potete andare al sito della casa editrice Benjamins a questo indirizzo: Non è necessario iscriversi e non servono password: andando sul sito potete visualizzare il numero della rivista di quest'anno e quelli degli anni precedenti. Come per tutte le riviste elettroniche è possibile scaricare un articolo alla volta, in formato .pdf La decisione di pubblicare la rivista in formato elettronico consente di risparmiare i costi e i tempi di spedizione, dà una maggiore visibilità alla pubblicazione e permette di raggiungere molti più utenti. L'AILA intende investire i fondi risparmiati in altre forme di sostegno alla ricerca. E' quindi speranzosa che tutti i soci apprezzino questa novità. Laura Gavioli (Comitato Direttivo AItLA)   - Pubblichiamo di seguito la comunicazione ricevuta da Bernd Rüschoff, presidente dell'AILA:
Dear AILA Affiliate, Following up on the mail I sent earlier this year, and as a result of the vote of the AILA EB/IC at the meeting in Rio as well as the positive feedback we had from affiliates by mail vote, I am pleased to announced that the first digital volume of the AILA Review is now available online. You can access this via the following link to the JB e-platform: We now kindly ask you to distribute the access information to your membership in any way you see fit, so that the whole AILA community can benefit from this publication. If you wish to explain further the background of our joint decision to publish the AILA Review online from now on, you can draw on the earlier mail I sent or some of the info below. As you know, the move to "go digital" was discussed on the basis of repeated requests from numerous affiliates to publish AILA Review digitally online. The open access publishing model the AILA executive negotiated with Benjamins now enables AILA and its affiliates to provide inclusive and barrier-free access to and participation in the academic discourse on matters concerned with applied linguistics for its membership and also the wider applied linguistics community. Needless to say that this move also saves both AILA and - most importantly - each affiliate, i.e. your organization a lot of time and money, as costly postal distribution and laborious processing for posting is no longer needed. In detail, the new publishing model offers the following benefits to AILA and its affiliates:
  • affiliates save cost as there is no need for expensive shipping and infrastructure for distribution of the Review to its membership; access information can simply be communicated electronically to affiliates, their membership, and possibly to the wider applied linguistics community;
  • AILA itself saves costs as the online version offers savings in terms of printing and shipping. These are also indirect savings for the affiliates, as these savings help AILA to keep its fees longer at the current level despite increasing costs at all levels of maintaining the organization;
  • Some of the moneys thus saved will be used for AILA initiatives that benefit its affiliates and their members, e.g. AILA’s Solidarity Initiatives, REN networks, regionalization, and supportive infrastructure made available to affiliates and members, to name but a few;
  • the AILA Review will also become a more powerful and more widely distributed publication, thus providing affiliates and their membership a very strong medium to publish and participate in academic discourse on matters concerned with applied linguistics;
  • the online model is key to AILA's and its affiliates' constant efforts to reach out further into the applied linguistics community in all corners of the globe.
As said, you may choose to forward some or all of the above information to your membership when distributing the access information. I would also like to extent a word of thanks to Rosa Manchon, AILA's publications coordinator, who prepared this move on behalf of AILA, as well as to Benjamins for having been very cooperative and flexible when discussing various online options with us. If you still have any further queries, please do get in touch and let us know. For the time being, on behalf of the AILA Executive Board, I hope that you will enjoy the first online edition of our AILA Review. With best regards Bernd Rüschoff (President of AILA)