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Segnaliamo la pubblicazione del volume "Trilingual Talk in Sicilian-Australian Migrant Families. Playing Out Identities Through Language Alternation" di Antonia Rubino, per la casa editrive Palgrave Macmillan.

Il volume studia da vicino le dinamiche linguistiche in famiglie di migranti siciliani in Australia, unendo una prospettiva interazionale con quella della rappresentazione delle identità linguistiche, e focalizzando in particolare sul code-switching come strategia conversazionale di costruzione dell'identità sociale.

Quarta di copertina

This book is an indepth study of the linguistic dynamics among Sicilian migrants in Australia, one of the largest regional groups in the context of Italian emigration. Through conversations gathered within the family, language choice and language alternation among Sicilian, English and Italian are explored in talk between first and second generation. The analytical approach combines the interactional with the language and identity perspective, focusing on code-switching as a strategy to construct and contest conversational and social identities. A corpus of quantitative surveys and other Sicilian-Australian voices gathered through interviews complement the conversational data, contributing to the representation of the linguistic and cultural identities of Sicilian migrants. The study is placed in the context of the family migrant experience and the shifting attitudes towards immigrant languages in Australia. 

  • Antonia Rubino
  • Trilingual Talk in Sicilian-Australian Migrant Families. Playing Out Identities Through Language Alternation
  • Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, 2014
  • 328 pp.