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Segnaliamo a tutti i soci AItLA l'apertura di una nuova rivista di interesse per la linguistica applicata: "European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL". La rivista accoglierà contributi in tutti i principali campi della linguistica applicata, in Europa e oltre, e avrà cadenza semestrale. Il primo numero è previsto per marzo 2012. Ulteriori informazioni le trovate sul sito: Di seguito riportiamo il comunicato ricevuto dagli editors, Andrzej Cirocki (University of Gdansk) e Marie McCullagh (University of Portsmouth): --- We are pleased to announce the launch of the new European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL is a refereed scholarly publication which aims to disseminate information, knowledge and expertise in the broad area of applied linguistics in Europe and beyond. However, a strong preference will be given to contributions relating to second language acquisition, foreign language pedagogy, teacher training and classroom innovation. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL is a biannual periodical, printed in March and September. The first issue will be published in March 2012. For more information, please see the website at